Mentorship Program

Booth Courier Service LLC

sponsored by

Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip

has partnered up with

Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. Our main objective is to help people become more of who they already are. To help someone who allows you to see the hope inside of yourself. If you cannot see where you are going you are not going to know where to begin, ask someone who has been there before! Our Mentorship program is not a program who walks ahead of you to show you how it’s done, but rather we walk alongside of you to show you what you can do! This program will bring enlightenment to the Mind Body Soul by introducing you to ancient techniques of energy healing, Chakra activation, mindfulness techniques, psychic abilities using ancient symbols along with meditation.

Successful Quote:

We all need a target, if there is no target then you have no goal to aim at. If you have not taken aim at any goal then you have no focus. Where there is no focus there are no goals, there are no dreams, there is no reason for why. What is your why; or reason for being born? Unless you know this, you will always be just average and should never expect to be Great!

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc.This program will offer a process that will provide an individual with professional expertise as well as support to the less experienced. The team at Booth Courier Service LLC will help you Increase your  confidence, Increase your knowledge as well as your Self-Awareness skills. This character development program will help you create a higher consciousness to cultivate your energy to become a better you. Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip team also offers other business advice with our 1 on 1 consultation team to discuss the blueprint on how to become a Boss in the Delivery/ Courier service industry and How to Become your own Banker using the Infinite Banking Concept.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. You will learn how to bring your mind into full concentration, to control your thinking to cause your mind into a state of silence. In other words your thoughts are the most powerfulest energy source. Many may ask why would I want  to stop my mind from thinking? Critical Thinking is a state where the mind is always in survival mode. Survival mode is a state that takes your mind directly to Fight or flight mode which takes you away from your Silent mode. Learning how to control the monkey mind and the animal instinct is important to control your thoughts. Keep in mind that your mind can travel anywhere in the cosmos. It’s like a web browser. As a result, you have to learn how to protect your Energy.  Always remember your Energy goes where your Mind goes and vice versa your Mind goes where your Energy goes. Change the way you look at things and the way you think in the picture of your Reality will change.  The 369 is the key to the Universe. The goal is to know thyself, become the Master, learn to balance and calm your Energy systems to obtain Nirvana, the Gold, the God-hood, Christ Consciousness. To inner-stand the real you and nothing else!

Inspiration for Victory:

If you want to be successful you must find the passion and change your passion. Do not chase money, money will not bring true happiness. When you're doing your passion, it is no longer a job its enjoyment. Follow your passion and not a lust for money. Turn off the television, pick up a book of practice or put in the work towards accomplishing your goals!

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by

Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip

has partnered up with

Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc

will help you Increase your  confidence, Increase your knowledge as well as your Self-Awareness skills!

Do you want to know the real reason why your thoughts affect what you attract into your life? Your thoughts are ENERGY that vibrate at different frequencies.  Every time you think a thought you send out that thought specific vibration into the Universe.  When you have a Positive Thought it vibrates at High Frequency and a Negative Thought vibrates at a Low Frequency so I love you has a much higher frequency then I hate you the more focus you give to a THOUGHT!

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learn how to develop more ways to DISCOVER!

TUNE in with us as we tune in with the Master Breatharian as he teaches the 6 principles of Energy Transformation!

  1.  Discovery of Energy
  2. Circulation of Energy 
  3. Tune Up of Energy 
  4. Gathering more Energy 
  5. Protecting your Energy

6. Purifying your Energy

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