Ancient Techniques

Booth Courier Service LLC

 sponsored by

Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip

has partnered up with

Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team to explains how the Universe is connected to your Soul and your Spirit is connected to your Mind and your Brain is connected to your Body?  Our Team will help you get control of your spirit body using different types of ancient techniques that were used in traditional cultures around the world.  Seeing your intuition is one most important 'sense'.  Concentrating on your body parts, and learning how they function is an experience that will certainly be invaluable.  These techniques are free, take hardly any time and can be done anywhere, requires no gadgetry, cures almost all diseases and helps keep the body and mind in a continuous state of calm.There is no question when you learn how to demonstrate and master the method of repetitious and delving into its methodology and formulating newer techniques to harness the gigantic power your reward is Magical. Some interesting facts: Miracles are real. Suddenly out of thin air the unimaginable can occur.  Our Mentorship Team will teach you how to align with the supernatural nature of life. Where the unexplainable occurs and things just manifest. Most importantly for this to occur one must surrender themselves to this power to provide them with all the solutions.

What’s the conclusion of connecting mind, body and spirit to Self?

So what is the conclusion ? When you wake up from your waking state, you realize that all this world that you see, all this infinite variety that you see is inside of you. When you move from your phenomenal existence to the non-phenomenal existence, then you are waking up from your waking state. The relationship of a superconscious state to the waking state is the same as the relationship between the waking state and the dreaming state. When you wake up from the waking state you realize that all the waking state experiences are like a dream, they are all within you. And then it’s a maddening knowledge, by interacting with the world with madness. The world is inside of you called POWER..

What is this Power called?

This power is called The Sacred Secretion, also called 'Chrism', 'Christ Oil', 'Endogenous DMT' and 'The Honey And Milk', is the title given to a natural, spiritual mechanism of rejuvenation within the human body limitless benefits. You must first open your first Eye also known as the third eye which is known as your Pineal Gland.  When the Pineal Gland is activated the psychedelic concoction descends down the spine's 33 vertebrae before ascending back up again to the place where God can be met face to face (the mind - Pineal). When your Pineal Gland expands, it develops or makes a hormone called melatonin. The melatonin secretion increases its vibrational potency throughout the process, changing in and out of form. Finally, after being preserved in a blissed body, the secretion is released, enhancing the senses of the individual and raising their conscious awareness by controlling the pattern of your internal body clock (circadian rhythms). With your third eye being perhaps your most powerful source of knowledge. While we all have a third eye in potentiation, many have one that is simply closed, or as it's commonly called — calcified. The most common reason is that we simply don't use it. It lies dormant. 

The good news is that Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Till We Come Up Mentorship Program will change the way you think to create higher awareness that the human structure is a miniature form of the universe. Which is made up of the five elements, Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Sky. These elements are present in fixed proportions and even the slightest imbalance of any of these can be disastrous. There is a sure-fire way to open your third eye, and it's been the go-to way of doing so for thousands of years. It's called Meditation.

Ancient Techniques!

With these techniques mentioned below, you can start to cultivate a connection with nature today. And with so much to enjoy and a variety of benefits, forming a habit of regularly connecting with nature stands every chance to bring a bit more than a smile to your moments of quiet and reflections amongst the Nature!

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learn about Pineal Gland Activation!

Pineal Gland Activation Tune in with us to participate and watch Master Earth! I wanna focus on the higher energy, the higher, the higher form of this body energy so the way it works like this energy starts here it gets refined and then finally it gets to the top and you’re enlightens OK so a lot of comments a lot of people ask me how did you get this Mark forehead? Where did it come from in this video? I want to share with you guys the exercise I was fortunate enough to get and I’m gonna share with you guys today. Now this exercise is an ancient ninja exercise and what exercise does is generate the energy that comes from your higher chakras, the Chinese they call shin, or you can call it energy. Energy that gives you Awareness and Consciousness Energy that comes from this exercise.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learning how to access

No Mind!

No Mind Activate Tune in with us to participate and watch Master Earth!Master Earth thank you for watching. Thank you for being here. Thank you for celebrating this divine moment that we’re sharing right now guys in this video. I’m gonna make it quick but basically I’m gonna share a technique that we can begin to use to free us from the illusions. We can see obviously, that everything in existence is Sourced by the same thing. Everything is Consciousness. Everything comes from that infinite eternal Source, and now presently we have a lot of things that keep or stop us from Being in Oneness. For all these things that we identify with, all these things that we perceive is a product of our Minds, a product of our perception, So in this video, Master Earth will share this lost ancient technique that can be used to access no MIND.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learn a Brain Relaxation Technique!

Brain Relaxation Technique Tune, in with us to participate and watch Master Earth teach a Brain technique that we can use to charge our brains and to recharge these faculties. Our brains are always on alert mode. There's never really a chance for our brain to get relaxed despite when we sleep or when we doze Off. This is a secret technique you can begin to use to recharge your brain to get your brain to finally relax. The key to relaxation in the mind is the fusion between the right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere when these two regions merge, which is yoga. When these two Energies merge,that when balance, peace and that good stuff can just be manifested.

Understanding your ancient Egyptian Aura!

From the voice and words taught by The Master Teacher, Baaa Baaa Yaanuwn - Dr Malachi Z York. “Take yourself as a ruff, raw, uncut stone and crave yourself into a perfect stone. Become one of the building blocks for a better life. Taking a good person like yourself and just making yourself better. This is the purpose of the ancient Egyptian aura! To change the soul, mind, and spirit of all human beings. To set aside faith, belief, fiction and myth, and replace it with reality. What is real? You exist, What’s the First reality? If you exist. Those from what you came from also exist. This place is your soul seed back to the Source of ALL”. 

So your aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things. This energy is believed to be electromagnetic in nature and emanates from the body. Auras are said to be unique to each individual and are influenced by a variety of factors such as emotions, thoughts, and physical health. When it comes to understanding auras, it's important to recognize that the concept is not new. Auras have been observed and studied throughout history, across different cultures and traditions. Many ancient civilizations understood and believed in the existence of auras. Aura can be defined as the energy shield around us which protects us from all the negativity including illnesses. 

Often our vibrant aura gets weak and we become susceptible to negative energies which harm us in all ways mentally, emotionally, physically, professionally and personally. There is an urge to keep it intact in order to progress in life and stay in harmony. Your Aura can be referred to as prana, while in Chinese medicine, they are known as chi which represent the breath. The proper technique to breathe is to inhale through your nose and exhale out your mouth. This breathing method is important to opening up and cleansing out your Energy system a.k.a Chakras.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learn benefits of practicing Tai Chi and incorporating Mudra in Meditation!

Blind Folded Tai-Chi, Mudra, Meditation technique! Being blindfolded while practicing Tai Chi and incorporating Mudra in meditation techniques can offer unique benefits and characteristics to the human body. Blindfolding enhances body awareness by removing visual distractions, allowing individuals to focus more deeply on their internal sensations, movements, and energy flow. It promotes a heightened sense of proprioception, balance, and coordination, as practitioners rely on their other senses to navigate and perform Tai Chi movements with precision. Blindfolding also cultivates a sense of inner mindfulness and concentration, as one becomes more attuned to the subtleties of their body and breath.

Incorporating Mudra, which involves specific hand gestures or positions, further enhances the meditative experience. Mudras are believed to channel and direct energy flow within the body, promoting balance and harmony. By combining Mudra with meditation, individuals can deepen their connection to their inner selves, enhance focus, and stimulate specific energy centers or chakras. The intricate hand movements in Mudra practice engage different nerve endings and stimulate the brain, promoting cognitive function and overall well-being.

Together, blindfolding during Tai Chi practice and integrating Mudra in meditation techniques offer a holistic approach to self-awareness, mindfulness, and energy cultivation. They encourage a deeper connection between the mind, body, and spirit, fostering inner peace, balance, and a heightened sense of presence.

Booth Courier Service LLC sponsored by Stay Down Intell We Come Up MentorShip has partnered up with Be Conscious of the Subconscious Inc. team as we participate in our Mentorship Class to learn the 10 principles of Tai Chi!

The 10 principles of Tai Chi Tune in to the master teacher Doctor Malachi Z. York. The principles come from Tai- Chi. the art of using The Latifa. The Latifa is the art of using the Chi point. The Chi point is located 1 inch below your navel, if you put your hand there you feel a dent there. That is an Energy sensor in the body called chakras that is centered around glands that give off certain electrical impulses which result in an Aura change in your Energy.

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